Below is a list of ministries who are serving Christ around the world that our members support through donations.
They equip local champions to bring God’s Word to people living in spiritual and physical poverty. The power of the Holy Spirit is working to transform communities, and even entire nations, from the inside out.
Mid-America’s mission is to prepare pastors as faithful servants of the Word and sacrament in the heritage of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches.
Missionaries are currently working for Ecuador Missions in Quito, Ecuador. They are labouring in the area of family ministry. This includes teaching in the areas of premarital counselling, marriage enrichment, parenting, and family worship. They also offer workshops to train and equip men and women to teach children in the Sunday School setting. Ecuador Missions asks for your prayer and financial support.
Missionaries with Eternal Life Missions are serving in the city of Tepic, Mexico, with a small, growing church and bringing the gospel in their community with Bible studies and outreaches. The people in this area are very often steeped in all kinds of mixed religious superstitions added to the Roman Catholic faith. Please pray for them that they may be given wisdom in dealing with the many different attacks on true Christianity that they face and encouraging the new Christian members as they face pressures from their families to abandon their new found faith.
Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada
Linking the Canadian Church with the world’s minority language groups, to see community transformation through Bible translation, use of translated Scriptures, mother-tongue literacy and education.
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping, loving and encouraging persecuted Christians worldwide.
Word and Deed is a Reformed Christian relief organization started in 1994 that is currently supported by a number of Reformed and Presbyterian churches across Canada. Their mission statement is “To improve the lives of needy people in the developing world both materially and spiritually in obedience to Christ’s command to love our neighbour as ourselves.”