At Redeeming Grace we have a number of Christ-focused kid’s ministries, including Sunday School, Kids Club, Youth Group, and Catechism.
During service, we also have a nursery for children up to 3 years old. All nursery volunteers have been screened through police checks and trained on our Plan to Protect policy.
Sunday School
For children from JK through grade 8, we have Sunday School after the morning worship service from September through April. All the children meet together with their teachers to sing and learn new songs to the praise and glory of God. After this time of singing, the students go with their teacher to the classroom where they learn stories and lessons from the Word of God.
Each group will learn age-appropriate Bible lessons to illustrate the complete story of the Bible – God’s plan of redemption. It is our hope and prayer that the children will see the awesome wonder of God, and come to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, sent to earth by God the Father through His love, and that the Spirit will work in their hearts even at a young age to help them understand what sin is and to convict them of their own sin and seek forgiveness through the cross of Christ.
Kids Club
Kids Club meets every other Wednesday evening at the church from 7:00 to 8:30pm. Kids in Grades 4-7 are invited out for a time of devotions, activities, and games.
Youth Group
Youth Group meets once a month for a time of fellowship with activities and devotional reading from the Bible.
Youth catechism, for students in grade 8 through grade 12, seeks to deepen young people’s understanding of the Bible and the doctrines it teaches, while also preparing them to live for Jesus and make disciples in the world around them. Throughout the catechism years, students will study the overarching narrative of the Bible, the doctrines of grace, the Heidelberg Catechism and Belgic Confession, what it means to be an active church member, and finally apologetics and evangelism to defend and share the Christian faith.